Monday, July 9, 2012

Thoughts on 'Daydreams'

I've been reading Daniel Parkins' blog for over a year now, at first to follow his son Samuel's progress. Samuel lived nineteen days and in those nineteen  days impacted many; me included.  Though at first I read his blog simply for the updates on Samuel's health, afterwards I kept reading because Daniel Parkins is a truly gifted, insightful writer and I simply enjoyed his blog. Currently he's been doing a lot of writing.... writing a fiction book, updating his other books and writing on his blog, which lately often recounts the stories of some senior citizens he comes in contact with. Actually, more than "come in contact" with.... he considers himself blessed to get to know them, to share Jesus with them, and to simply love on this group of people that the world in many ways has forgotten. He shows compassion towards them, but he also shares his love for them in humorous, ways that oftentimes even make me cry.

When I first started following Mr. Parkins' story of Samuel, one of the ways he "asked" for help was for folks to purchase his book, Daydreams, so of course I did. I looked through it but it wound up on my shelf and I finally got around to really reading it a few days ago. There's a part of me that wishes I'd have read it earlier, because it is really good, but I think I almost "needed" to read it this week. Funny how things work out like that!

If you want to read my thoughts on Daydreams by Daniel Parkins, check out my review on Amazon. I also highly encourage you to visit his blog HERE. 

1 comment:

  1. I never said thank you. Your review was such a blessing to me. Thank you for your kind words!!
