Peace. What is it? According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary it can be defined as the following:
"1: a state of tranquillity or quiet: as a: freedom from civil disturbance b: a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom
2: freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
3: harmony in personal relations
4 a: a state or period of mutual concord between governments b: a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity
5—used interjectionally to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell
— at peace : in a state of concord or tranquillity"
I never watch Jon and Kate Plus Eight but how can one not know what's going on? The talk of the state of their marriage has been a big deal now for weeks, if not months. A quick peruse through an online chat community comes up with this consensus:
Jon is a jerk
Kate is difficult to live with.
People hate Jon for leaving his wife and kids.
The thing that strikes me on this (nearly all female) chat board is that the majority of woman would support another woman in her decision to divorce if she was unhappy. Why? Because no one should live in a loveless marriage. She should be free to pursue her happiness and not be stuck with someone who doesn't deserve her. Yet, the general consensus of this chat board was the Jon was at fault; he was simply being immature and selfish for leaving his wife and kids. Again, I do not watch the show. I have no idea what transpired or the details of their decision to separate.
It saddens me they can't work it out. It hurts me that Christians put people in the spotlight as role models because they attend church and don't believe in abortion, and then get so upset and sad when they turn out to be imperfect. It's just sad. It would have been really great if they had decided to do marriage counseling. Perhaps they did. It would have been wonderful to have seen their church community rally around to support and love them during this horrible time.
I don't know the issues Jon and Kate are facing. I did listen to a part of a tape and heard Jon and Kate state over and over that for the sake of peace, they needed to divorce. It's not good for the kids to live in a home where they are arguing, since they can't even be cordial to each other.
Why can't they? Why can't they be cordial to each other? How can a family have 8 kids, be married for 10 years and decide its not working? That they no longer love each other? I know; it happens all the time. I have heard the same argument: For the sake of the kids, we need a divorce. It's not good for the kids...... Yeah, but is divorce good for the kids either? Can't people work it out? On the chat board I belong to many are stating that so many studies show that its better to come from a divorced background where both parents are cordial to each other than to live in a home of constant bickering and unhappiness. I have read that though that can be true in high conflict marriages, in the majority of low conflict marriages divorce has far more devastating effects. I guess we can pick and choose whatever study we'd like to support our position.
As a Christian, it bothers me even more that they are Christians as well and can't work things out and seemingly aren't even fighting to work things out. I know; I have no idea what has transpired. I am not supposed to judge but it still saddens me. On one of the online chat boards someone posted this:
"They should be ashamed of themselves, what type of Christian behavior have they displayed to their children? What I hate are hypocritical religious types like Kate who treat people like garbage. Tell me how that's in any way a reflection of God. (I'm not religious by the way.) "
It's so sad. I am sure it is exponentially more difficult to live life in the public eye. It's just sad that the horrible stories are so publicized while the good stories of faithfulness seem to be out of the limelight. I hate the bumper sticker mentality of some that say when something like this happens, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven". I know Christians aren't perfect. I know I am not perfect, and by God's grace He loves me anyways and I can repent and find forgiveness in Him. I know that. I guess it just saddens me that we are called to holiness: Salt and Light, and yet according to George Barna in his book Revolution, "The likelihood of a married couple who are born-again churchgoers getting divorced is the same as couples who are not disciples of Jesus."
So sad. I don't like divorce.
Peace. What is it? Is it worth this high of price in this situation?
UPDATE: I hate rumors and don't really tune into them but it seems the web is abuzz with speculation and perhaps proof that Jon was having an affair. So sad.