When I found out that Gungor was coming to Redwood City, I knew I had to attend. I had heard such wonderful accounts of how unique and special this concert was. I already knew I enjoyed their latest CD, Beautiful Things. It just so happened that the concert was on David and my 16 year anniversary. I invited others, and one family also decided to come, even though they had never heard any Gungor music; they were going solely on the fact that I thought they were good and our pastor and a few other bloggers raved about them.

We arrived about an hour before the concert. (had to ensure a good seat!) Our friends were already there. I hate to say this but at dinner I had a margarita. Oh, I can't handle alcohol! I was actually dizzy and felt like I was in a cloud. I do not like this feeling, especially while in a church! Luckily by the time the concert started I was doing pretty good. My friend Alyssa pointed out worship leader Kim Walker. I was surprised that she knew her and that I did too; I have seen some of her videos and heard her sing. In fact, my friend Ellyn's brother is a pastor at the church she leads worship at! He even once upon a time was my youth leader in jr. high.

The opening band was John Mark McMillan. I had never heard any of his music, which put me at a huge disadvantage. Everyone els was singing, dancing, waving their arms. I enjoyed it, but it was loud. Still, I think I'd like his music.

After a short intermission, Gungor hit the stage. There were 6 musicians on stage, I guess when others saw them in Nashville there was 12. It did not seem to affect the concert. Their opening song proved that they were a different, highly creative type of band. My friends did not know what to think of the first song, but after the second song and thereafter, fell in love with Gungor.

I have to mention right now that, even though it was my anniversary, I did not stay with my husband. He in the middle of the room, standing/sitting by a chair. I absolutely HAD to be right up front, camera in hand. I was in awe. Everyone was. The people present all knew the music and were really into it. As I looked around, I saw people of all ages, sizes, colors visibly enjoying the music. Dancing. That is so unlike me but I loved watching the freedom people felt. After a few songs, the applause ceased between songs; the mood was transformed from a concert to an actual worship experience. In the silence, I heard a guy near me softly say "wow." I think that is what everyone was feeling. Wow. In awe of the music. Of God. Of community..... sharing this moment together even though we were all different. Such a collective experience.

I did not want the music to end. I doubt anyone did.

Though I was worried at first what my friends thought of the band, afterwards their faces showed how enthusiastic they now were to Gungor. We went to their booth and bought CDs and tee shirt, talking the whole time about how wonderful the concert was, how transforming and unexpected and creative. We discussed how we would've so enjoyed sharing this experience with more of our friends; our church. There is no way we'd be able to effectively communicate how truly special this concert was. David was amazed there wasn't more people there; how could people have missed this? And the tickets were only 8 dollars!

Gungor: You are amazing, and I'm so thankful you came to my area! My friends and I were truly blessed by your concert. What a beautiful gift it was.
Please, if you ever have a chance to see them, don't hesitate! And if you haven't already heard their wonderful CD Beautiful Things, please look it up on iTunes.
V...I was bummed that we had to miss this event, and now you confirm that I truly did miss out. I have to compliment you on your photos, they are truly awesome. I would guess that Gungor would love them too. Thaks for the "review" of the band and the concert!
ReplyDeleteThanks Clyde! I really wish you guys could've been there too! Next time! Thanks for the compliment on the photos.