Saturday, November 6, 2010

Skipping Autumn

I'm tempted to take a cue from the retail stores and skip Thanksgiving (and Fall) and go straight to Christmas!

It just seems so much more fun and compelling; plus, I love Christmas! The photos, the colors, the festivities, Christmas Carols and hymns, traditions, sights and smells, annual watching of Holiday movies...... and the reflection of God Incarnate; in the form of a helpless infant!

it's really so beautiful.

So... though I won't do this, I'm tempted to decorate now for Christmas! If I had tree, I'd put it up. I'm scouring Amazon and iTunes or new Christmas music. (Any recommendations?) I'm beginning to think about Christmas cards and family photos; it's all so much fun.

What are some of your Christmastime traditions?

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