Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday BBQ

It is Sunday. I like Sundays because it means church. Even my kids love Sundays because they enjoy church. Not sure if it is for their friends, the fun, or to learn about God. At this point, does it matter?

Not sure.

I know I loved Sunday when I was growing up, for the right reasons mixed in with the wrong reasons. Maybe I still do.

Days like today make me wonder because...... today is BBQ day after church! I tend to look forward to BBQs and this is the first of the season, though it doesn't feel like it because we've had a farewell potluck and a day at the beach. I enjoy this time of being together in a relaxed setting.

But in my experience over the last 25 years at all the churches I've been a part of, both large and small, these things are never picture perfect.

When I lived in Seattle and attended a small Presbyterian church, usually it was the weather that thwarted even the very best planned events. At other churches it has usually been too hot or too cold, or the food runs out well before everyone has been served. Or the tables are laden with casseroles that may have very well been quite tasty a few hours before but now, hours later, it is cold, looks unappealing and probably doesn't taste well either. I know I've never been brave enough to try. At the last potluck someone brought 5 Little Caesars pizzas. Normally, these five dollar pizzas are something to avoid but at a church potluck, it is like the Treasured Prize. Something infinitely predictable and "safe" to eat.

(though I have to say: desserts at a potluck or church event are always the best part of the event. It seems that people take delight in what they can come up with in the realm of baked goods. Or maybe if you put enough sugar in anything it will taste and look good)

So today we are gathering after church to have a BBQ and in the back of my mind, wonder what unexpected thing will happen this time. Perhaps it is part of what makes a BBQ so memorable. Perhaps it is designed to keep the focus not on the food but on others. Or perhaps the church elders are waiting to see who enters the line for food last. (and then try to figure out if if it a mark of spiritual humility, letting others be served first, or a mark of a person's distrust of the food being offered and hoping it will all be eaten before they are served?)

Regardless, I still love a church BBQ. I enjoy the time of being with others, enjoy watching the kids run around crazy, enjoying church and realizing that this community, this fellowship of folks, is beautiful and they are loved here. That almost chokes me up; how much love people show for my kids.

I love my church.

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