I went to my James Bible study and did something I never really enjoy doing: Crying. Lots and lots of tears. I was fine through the entire study and then we went to prayer requests.
The only thing on my heart was my child's preschool Sunday School teacher, Miss Lily. Miss Lily is the most amazing person I know in my church, and that says a lot because amazing people are in abundance in my church.
I've just never encountered such a dedicated, loving, giving person. Miss Lily truly loves my child as her own; she delights in the kids in her class. It's overwhelmingly evident; truly beautiful. And my kids love her! Especially Katie; she just loves Miss Lily; talks about her during the week. Katie so looks forward to church. In fact, just last week I could not find her to leave church; turns out she decided to go back into the preschool room; she just loves her Sunday school.
And she adores Miss Lily! Last week we met Miss Lily at the grocery store. She brought an SD card filled with video to us on behalf of another friend. My kids ran to meet her, hugging her, just delighted to see her out of the context of church. It really impressed upon me the tight bond my kids have for her; and realizing that all the kids feel that way about Miss Lily.
I don't know all of Miss Lily's story, but I know her husband of over 20 years is confined to a motorized wheelchair and requires much care. She's been caring for him daily without hardly a break, as well as tirelessly serving my church in teaching preschool and a part of the prayer ministry. This touches me; to be so giving; giving at church and giving at home, in a challenging situation.
Tonight at study, my heart just was with Miss Lily and her husband. He was rushed to the hospital Tuesday morning and feared he would not live. He seemed to improve but he's still not out of the woods yet, in fact, the information I was given still seems rather grave. I'm sure tonight I looked like such a spectacle as the tears flowed down during prayer. I don't normally like to pray aloud but I was asked to pray in my small group for Miss Lily and how could I say no? It hurt and I cried and I could barely get any words out; for some reason her situation just touches me, hurts me. I'm crying now as I write this! I don't know why it affects me so much but it does.
We're studying James. Real Faith. Though we are finally just getting into chapter 2, we've learned about trials and wisdom, having joy in trials and suffering knowing that it brings us closer to God and to His glory. We've gone through subjects such as endurance and temptation, hearing and living out our faith, and true religion and what the means. I suppose when I look at Miss Lily I see Christ's love in action. True faith that serves, loves without expectation, a faith that perseveres. She truly LIVES her faith in every aspect of her life. I know she doesn't have it easy and yet she is the most joyful person I know. Joy exudes from her. She love Jesus, loves others and loves my daughter. She delights in my daughter.
I felt silly, all these tears during study. I wonder what the others thought. I suppose I don't really care. I just want to say please pray for Miss Lily's husband, Ron. Pray for Miss Lily. She's the most gracious person and there is just so much love I have for her. Please pray.
It's interesting; yesterday I was filled with apathy; tonight it's all compassion and prayer.
Thank you