I'm about to ask a very personal question:
How many Bibles do you have in your house?
I have well over a dozen and yet I'm sitting here, perusing on Amazon for another one, one that I already have 2 others of the same version!
Because they are cute and I currently have a very small (called "compact") ESV Bible and a VERY LARGE ESV Study Bible, and in my twisted, warped, consumer mind, I NEED an in-between "just right" size so I can tote it to church. Basically, my Very Large Study Bible is too conspicuous to bring to church, I'l bring it to Bible Study where it fits in. My teeny-tiny compact one is for travel. I need a basic, good-for-everything, not too big, not too small ESV Bible that I can bring to church.
It is crazy, yet I'm still one click away from having a new Bible sent to my home,
Nearly 2 years ago I bought a New Living Translation (NLT) because it is what the pastor of my church preaches out of. I bought a tiny Compact one but then decided I "needed" a medium sized one, and have to say I really like the one I got. I wish it wasn't brown and pink, but the quality of the Bible, the very white, thicker than the usual razor thin Bible pages were a surprise that I really liked, and all for 10 dollars!
The only thing I did not "love" was the translation.
Don't get me wrong; I like the NLT; it is very readable. I just like the English Standard Version (ESV) more.
Which is why I feel I "must" get a medium sized Bible, yet, do I really need to bring YET ANOTHER Bible in my home? My bookshelf is groaning under the weight of all my books and Bibles. It really is amazing that in some countries people feel blessed to have one intact Bible and here I have an abundance, and really only ever use no more than 4.
How many Bibles do you have? What is your favorite? Do you still drool over new ones or have you learned the secret of contentment? Do you have a special Bible that is an "old friend?"
BTW: You can look up any verse in the ESV translation by going to the ESV ONLINE website.
I was just thinking about that today, I have 5 bibles, and only use 2, but there are many people who wish to have one. I have three ESV Bibles (compact, journaling, thin-line reference), and two NCV Bibles I got when I was little. My oldest bible is 10 years old, I got it for my 1st grade graduation, but don't use anymore because the spine is broken, and I don't like the translation. This post made me smile because it is exactly something I would write, I just had to comment.