I'm reading a book called Adopted for Life by Russell Moore. I highly recommend it.
Here are 2 quotes from the chapter titled Joseph of Nazareth vs. Planned Parenthood, page 77.
"Churches that don't celebrate children aren't going to celebrate evangelism."
Later he writes:
"If the people in our congregation become others-directed instead of self-directed in the adoption of unwanted children, they are going to be other-directed instead of self-directed in their verbal witness to people in their community. On the other hand, the same self-interest that sears over the joy of birth will sear over the joy of new birth. The numbness to earthly adoption is easily translated to numbness to spiritual adoption. But if people in our churches learn not to grumble at the blessing of minivans filled with children-some of whom don't look anything alike- they're going to learn not to grumble at the blessing of a congregation filled with new people, some of whom don't look anything alike. If our churches learn to rejoice in the newness of life in the church nursery, they'll more easily rejoice in newness of life in the church baptistery, and vice versa."
Agree? Disagree?
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