Redemption is a word that I normally only hear about in church but lately I've been hearing it a lot, especially during the Olympics.
An athlete will fail to win gold or win a medal at all, even though he or she was the favorite. Something happens, usually something where they just blow it completely. They choke.
And to me, watching, I see how that could happen! So much expectation! Such a huge portion of one's life preparing for This Day and in a matter of minutes, it is either realized triumphantly or it all fades away.
But the following Olympics, there is a chance at Redemption. Of righting that failed mistake. Of making it all better and fulfilling that goal. Does it make it easier? Harder? Does victory bring even more sweetness after such a taste of sadness and defeat?
I was watching a TV show several months ago that somehow stuck out to me. I think it was Law and Order. I wasn't paying much attention to it but nothing else was on. In it, the person was talking about how his livelihood was dependent on the collection of cans and bottles, and with the growing number of people recycling their own cans, he was suffering to be able to live. He says "How can I live without redemption?"
Of course, "Redemption" in these two areas mean something quite differently. In the Christian belief of redemption. Mark Driscoll writes in his new about -to -be released book Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe (Release date March 31st but you can read it online HERE) That redemption is "synonymous with being liberated, freed, or rescued from bondage and slavery to a person or thing." In Christianity, we can't redeem ourselves. Only Christ offers redemption.
It's not our own efforts, or achievements. It's not in exchanging cans for cash. Real Redemption comes from God.
Still, the TV show echoes in my mind: "How can I live without redemption?"
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