I read a lot of books. I've always been a reader. I wasn't the most outgoing, social kid in school and even as young as elementary school I'd sit at recess and read a book either alone or with a friend, rather than play games with the other kids. I was never good at sports and it's so hard growing up knowing that no one wants you n their team, getting picked last. If I could I'd just avoid the whole situation.
One of my favorite authors these days is a Presbyterian pastor of a large church in Manhattan. Certain authors I just really connect with and Tim Keller is definitely one of them! I'll ask a question in my mind while reading and he'll answer it. It's like he anticipates it. His books are always well written, deeply engaging and definitely points to the Truth.
My pastor of the church I attend is doing a series based on Keller's bestselling book Reason For God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. In the book he addresses exclusivity, suffering, absolutism, literalism, hell doubt, and injustice. Questions and doubts people have about Christianity. It's a wonderful book and deserves to be an every Christian's bookshelf. (buy it!)
His other books, while smaller, are both wonderful and expound on some things he brings up in Part 2 of his Reason for God book. I enjoyed both The Prodigal God and Counterfeit Gods, but I think The Prodigal God was most surprising to me. I really hadn't thought to look at the familiar parable of The Prodigal Son the way he presented it.
I just really enjoy Tim Keller's sermons, books and writings.
I just got a new book today. It's reflections bout Easter called Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross, It's a compilation of writings from various authors, both contemporary and classic. Timothy Keller is one of the contributors and the first chapter I read. I loved the whole chapter, but I will share with you this one excerpt:
"It's one thing to believe that Jesus loves you in a general way. It's another thing to have his love come down. That's what it means to know Christ. Have you experienced that, or do you just say your prayers? Has his love come down and touched the inner spot?
Religious people are very busy in their religion doing lots of religious activities, and then they expect their lives to go the way they want them to go. And if they find their career or their love life isn't going very well, they say, "What good is all this religion? I'm doing all these things, where's God.?"
But what a Christian says is, "If trouble in my love life has helped me to know Christ, if a lack of success in my career helps me know him better, then great. I count it all as rubbish because the surpassing thing is to know him."
I encourage you to read Timothy Keller, and if you go to my church, I hope you will enjoy this series based on his Reasons for God book. If you don't go to my church, I invite you to come. I know I'm really looking forward to it.
Maybe next post I'll reveal a few more of my favorite authors and books!
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