I only have one more full week of summer vacation before my kids start school, and I'm not ready! There is a part of me ready for their routine to start, but I've enjoyed the summer and the lack of structure, and I believe they have as well.
Plus, it is not easy to get ready for school! I have yet to go buy their back-to-school supplies. Both my boys seem to have outgrown ever piece of clothing I purchased last year. (though my 10 year old will still but on a size 5 pair of shorts) I think they can use last years' backpacks, though of course, they want new ones. Katie still has an impressive wardrobe, in fact, I doubt she'll even be able to wear all the clothes she has in one season before she outgrows them and the weather changes.
Yet, they are ready to go back to school. They miss their friends and they like school and enjoy learning. They are eager to find out who their teachers are this year, and I think every parent might be even more stressed about that detail too! Teachers make such a huge difference. I'm not worried about Katie's first grade class assignment; it seems all the first grade teachers would be fine for her, but Reid is in Second grade and there are several teachers I don't want him to have! In fact, I'm hoping he'll get the same teacher that Conor had...... Conor blossomed in her class in 2nd grade. I don't want to even think of my oldest being a fifth grader. Wow. When did that happen?
I'm looking forward to this school year and I hope they are too. I know there'll be challenges and disappointment, but for the fun and excitement and positive things far outweigh the difficult moments.
And for me? I'm looking forward to my free time again. I need to get into a routine to workout. (I've committed to do a sprint triathlon next summer) I'm looking forward to my Thursday Bible Study starting up, and I'm curious if the women's ministry at my church will have some type of study offering. I enjoy the fall; October perhaps is my favorite time to take pictures and I have a deep affinity towards pumpkin patches.
I think I'm ready for school to start but I do wonder if I'll look back three weeks into it and mourn that summer was so fleeting.
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