I recently received The Lucado Life Lessons Study Bible: Inspirational Applications for Living Your Faith from the Booksneeze program at Thomas Nelson. The cover is tastefully done in muted tones and a scenic sepia photo.
The translation is the NKJV, an updated version of the King James but much more readable while still retaining much of the beauty. Interspersed throughout the book are Life Lessons in the margin. A sample one is:
Situation: Some Galatian believers were in Jerusalem on Pentecost (Acts 2). They already knew that God freely gave the Holy Spirit.
Observation : Paul used Abraham's example (Genesis 15) to prove that the Old Testament believers were also saved by faith.
Inspriration: In baptism we identify with Christ. We go from tire kicker to car buyer. We step out of the shadows, point in His direction, and announce, "I'm with him."
I used to do this at the drive-in movie theatre.
Remember drive -in movies? (Kids, ask a grownup.) The one in Andrews, Texas, had a Friday night special - a carload for the price of the driver. Whether the car carried one passenger or a dozen, the price as the same. We often opted for the dozen route. The law would not allow us to do today what we did then. Shoulders squished. Little guy on the big guy's lap. The ride was miserable but the price was right. When the person at the ticket window looked in, we pointed to the driver and said, "We're with him."
God doesn't tell you to climb into Christ's car. He tells you to coimb into Christ! "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1). He is your vehicle! Baptism celebrates your decision to take a seat. "For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. (Galatians 3:27, emphasis mine.) We are not saved by the act, but the act demonstrates the way we are saved. We are given credit for a perfect life we did not lead- indeed, a life we could never lead. (From Next Door Saviour by Max Lucado)
Application: Paul warned: Don't be tricked. Don't let anyone think that you must win God's approval. Rejoice that if you are God's child His love toward you is endless.
Exploration: Law's inferiority -Romans 3:19, 20; 4:13-25; 8:3; Galatians 5:3-6; Hebrews 3:1-6; 8:7-13.
Also interspersed through the book are areas where he expounds on a word or idea, such as power, love of Fruit of the Spirit and some additional verses to study and questions to answer.
I think this Bible would be good for a person who loved reading the inspirational writings of Max Lucado, or for a person who is perhaps a beginning reader of the Bible. Personally, what I look for in a "study" Bible are more study aides, references, concordance, and more in-depth introductions to the Books. Yet, there is much good in this Bible: Key Bible verses to read (and memorize?) 30 Studies for a new believer, which are much like daily devotions, etc. It seems to be a sturdy hardbound copy that states on the cover it is "guaranteed for life" and it is very appealing visually. As it is stated in the Bible's description online, this Bible is well suited as a companion to Max Lucado's newest book, Outlive Your Life
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255
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