Last night I went on a date with my husband. I oftentimes think such a phrase is so silly: Date night when one is married but with small kids to contend with I think I just might look forward to "date night" more now than I did before I married! It's definitely different: before marriage there was such an excitement of the unknown and the pain and joy of really beginning to know the other person. A sort or risk taking and surprise and giddiness.
After we were married we moved away to Seattle and explored the region together as we figured things out together, learned to rely and trust each other deeply. We felt like explorers and this part of a poem from Calvin and Hobbes sums it up quite well:
"Explorers are we, intrepid and bold,
Out in the wild, amongst wonders untold.
Equipped with our wits, a map, and a snack,
We're searching for fun and we're on the right track!"
In a way it perhaps was our mantra. Everything was a "first": First apartment together, first time living out of state together, finding a new church together, buying our first house together, making meals together, camping, friendships, we did everything together! We'd explore new restaurants together, new parts of town. Truly it was all an adventure

Things are definitely settled now and nothing seems to be a "first" and it's one of the reasons that this year we've taken a few trips together without kids (and loved it) and we enjoy and look forward to our nights to go out without kids. Sometimes we do explore but we tend to stick to the "tried and true" restaurants that we know we enjoy and I suppose I truly am a creature of habit because I typically order the same entree every time!
To make this a bit shorter: We took out the sportscar that hardly ventures out of the garage. It was a beautiful night and we had the top off and really enjoyed the short drive to our destination. While traveling there David pointed out the tiny little fingerprints on the side mirror from our kids. So cute. I asked if that bothered him and he said it makes him smile. Arrived and even found a parking spot. (a rarity) Was told there was a 30 to 45 minute wait and were handed a pager so we wandered a bit down the street. The outside tequila bar was packed and we could hear the live music emanating from it. We ventured into Peet's and talked and read for about 10 minutes when our pager went off (annoyingly) informing us our table was ready. We walked back and were led to the outdoor patio to dine. Now, here is where I could totally bore you going into a critique of the restaurant. I no longer do restaurant reviews but after over 3 years I still mentally go through the checklist and our service was quite good; we received water and our trio of salsas and fresh tortillas within 2 minutes of being seated, we were asked if we'd like to order drinks and certain ones were suggested, appetizers suggested. All perfect.
Then I realized that my iphone was out of battery power. I know, it's a date: I don't need an iphone! (or a book) but I really enjoy twitter and I love taking photos of the food and in a way "documenting" the evening. Instead I have to focus on other things which is all really good. And it was. After dinner, which was served within 10 minutes of ordering, we paid and walked around venturing into a book store where David went to the magazines, primarily film making magazines, sports, triathlon etc. I looked at books but I rarely buy books at full price so it was just fun to browse and smell them.
We thought about going to a movie but I was stuffed and tired so we just went home. A fun evening. I'll see if I can post a picture from my iphone of the steering wheel of our car.
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