I love words. I love to write words. I love to read words. Words are my friends.
It is through words I can express my thoughts, the deepest part of what I feel and experience. I find great comfort as I try to find words that adequately capture my thoughts or feelings. I usually choose words that will provide clarity and understanding so I can share accurately what I want to get across.
It is through words that I can comfort others and find comfort in others, and yet it is through words that I can deeply wound people or cause a chasm that perhaps will never be bridged.
Words are powerful, more powerful than most realize and so often I use them without thinking. Words can be used to build up or tear down, and how easily it is to tear down! In a similar vein, James says that no human being can tame the tongue and describes it as "a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell." James 3:6
Written words are my sanctuary and solace often, as I love to read. I find such comfort through words and as I write I realize I am in a way entrusting you, my reader, to understand my words correctly. Whenever I write something I am trusting that they will be read the way I intended and yet I have little control over how they might come across.
It's a risk but I love words, and will always love words. At times I carefully craft them, other times I am callously careless with them. I take them at face value but oftentimes search words for deeper meanings. It does not escape me the choice of words people use and too often I think why they chose them? Sometimes a person can come across in agreement but a careful look at the words reveal that they really did not say much of anything! Like the apology that wasn't acutally an apology; a carefully crafted sentence can reveal or conceal.
I love that my God is a God of words. The use of "word" is mentioned in the Bible over 1000 times.
Words brings:
Eternal Life
Jesus was the Word.
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