I Lift Up My Soul: Devotions to Start Your Day With God by Charles Stanley is a nice devotional book with excerpts taken from his other books. If you've read most of his other writings, then much of this will be review for you; if you are new to Charles Stanley, then you will absolutely be overjoyed by this book.
It is organized like a regular devotional, with an excerpt that you are supposed to read every day. They aren't too long, not more than a page, with a recommended Scripture reading and a key verse. The last line is a sort of prayer, to guide into further contemplation and application.
As I noted above, I'm new to Charles Stanley's writings and I enjoyed the selected excerpts in this book. They are wonderful, with thought-provoking quotes. I'm really enjoying this devotional and can't wait to spread it out through next year in reading it.
This is from today, October 26th, titled "A Changed Life."
"At salvation, we received a new spirit, the Holy Spirit, who works through our ordinary experiences to accomplish the supernatural goal of conforming us to the image of Christ. In our bill paying, we can depend on His provision. in the irritating traffic snarls, we can meditate on Scripture. (Try it, it works!) In the yard work, we can enjoy His creation. In the kitchen, we can give thanks for His many gifts to us.
As new creatures with a new spirit, we have a new purpose - to honor God in all we do: working, eating, drinking, driving, playing and thinking.
If your Christian experience borders on boring, remember the monumantal change that occured when you were saved and teh diving dimension that is now yours to enjoy by faith and obedience."
I Lift Up My Soul, Charles Stanley, October 26th
DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL CONNECTION: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255
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