In His Image Devotional Bible, published by Tyndale, is a hardcover, sturdy devotional Bible in the New Living Translation. This translation is not a word for word translation, but a thought-for- thought one that is incredibly readable and the translation most of the people in my church uses because it is easy to understand. This is the full Bible, along with certain "extras" that add to its devotional qualities. For instance, every book has its own introduction, and many of the pages has a little prayer reading that is on a attribute of God, like in Matthew 25, the quality is "God is Just" and there's a reflection that says, "Because God is just, I can trust HIm to treat me fairly in the end." Then it lists a Bible verse about God being Just. (Romans 2:6-8) and then encourages application. "What are you saying to me, Lord." and finally, another little praise-prayer exhorting God and thanking and praising Him for being just, or the other attributes of God.
As I stated above, this is a sturdy book with a nice cover and it is a good sized Bible that is pretty easy to read. The pages are a good consistency and the type font and size is suitable for reading easily. Though this isn't a study Bible, it is one that is reflective and I think it would enhance a person's quiet time with God. Overall, I think this is a good choice for a Bible and suitable for a wide age spread; I'd even give this Bible to my pre-teen to use at church.
DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL CONNECTION: I received this book free from Tyndale Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255
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