Anyone else grow up with Sesame Street on television? Or have a child that loves that show? My kids never got into Sesame Street very much. When Conor was little we did not have "real" television so he watched nothing, not even Dora the Explorer. Believe it or not, there is definitely a Toddler Culture and my baby was definitely left out! Happily, he doesn't seem to be too impaired by it., although even now his favorite programs most likely are from the Discovery Channel or the Science Channel. We did break down and get "real" television (meaning cable TV... or is it dish?) so the other 2 had plenty of opportunities to watch Sesame Street but preferred Dora the Explorer or Go Diego Go. (luckily we did not get into Yo Gabba Gabba)
My point? This post has no point. I just wanted to share the cute carrots my kids got at the Farmer's Market on Saturday, and to do so I had to think of a clever title. "Carrot" in a title is a pretty wide open, so I thought I'd ask for YOUR title suggestions
As mentioned, my contribution hails from Cookie Monster's song, "C is for Cookie" (that's good enough to eat!) Supposedly, in the many years since I've "graduated" from Sesame Street I've heard that now Cookie Monster is being forced to eat healthy and be a good role model.

So, can I blame my bad eating choices on growing up with the 'Street?

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